Wednesday, October 11, 2017

How To Care For Your Child’s Psychological Well-Being

As a parent, there is so much to think about when it comes to your children’s welfare. Before they start school, you are largely preoccupied with their diet and health. Just making sure they are healthy and strong is a full-time preoccupation. When they start preschool, the game changes.

This transition introduces your child to a whole new environment. This is why it also becomes very important for you to pay attention to your child’s psychological health. Perhaps the best way to get started is to get an overview of what child psychology is about and what it means for your child. The following post discusses this in detail:

5 Important Things Child Psychology Teaches Us About Children

The study of the psychological processes of children – and specifically, how these processes differ from those of adults, how they develop from birth to the end of adolescence, and how and why they differ from one child to the next- is a specialised branch of psychology, known as child psychology. Child psychologists work with children and adolescents to diagnose and help resolve issues causing emotional or behavioural problems, such as learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression. They also evaluate children for developmental delays, signs of autism spectrum disorder and other problems that affect development. Read more at SACAP…

You need to understand, however, that child psychology isn’t just for the identification and management of problems. Child psychology helps you know and interpret your child’s inner life.

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Certain aspects of your child psychology are very important, but very few know about them. One example is psychological rest.  Just like you plan for your child’s sleeping time, it’s important that he gets psychological rest as well. The following post explains how this can be done:

What about psychological rest?

Psychological rest is much less talked about, but becoming more relevant each day as adults and children alike are inundated with the rapid advances that technology brings.

Enter social media and its incredibly addictive nature.   We see both children and adults glued to their phones and screens.  Many children in our society have their phones with them 24/7.  Their brains and bodies are on high alert for the next text, ‘like’, or comment.  This is simply not a place of rest for them, and they need this rest in order to help them emerge as separate beings, adapt to life’s challenges, and mature.  On top of not getting the psychological rest they need, these kids are texting well into the night and compromising their sleep needs dramatically. Read more at Bayridge Counselling Centre…

As discussed above, training your children to get enough psychological rest is essential. That way, they will grow up into adults that are confident about themselves and their abilities.

spanish preschool daycare childhood education development second language glenwood raleigh nc

It is also important to inform your children that they will experience challenges in life. This preparation, as well as learning how to handle them, are vital. The following post talks about the importance of counseling for your child:

Benefits of child counselling

A few examples of how counselling can help children include; coping with everyday worries, such as exam stress, and relationship issues with friends, family members and teachers. Counselling can also help with self-harm concerns, grief, depression and anxiety, and learning difficulties, to name a few.

Really, if something is making your child unhappy, however small you or they feel it is, it’s important. Know that help is available – counselling allows your child to talk to someone about what’s on their mind safely and confidently, without fear of judgement.

There is no right or wrong reason to why someone may consider counselling. Sometimes it’s just good to talk to someone objective, other times more guidance may be needed. Read more at Counselling Directory…

If you start early, you can develop a strong relationship with your child so that he can come to you for counsel. This would be ideal. However, other times, he may need to talk to someone else, and that is okay. The most important thing is that you have addressed your child’s psychological needs.

spanish preschool daycare childhood education development second language glenwood raleigh nc

One way to protect your child’s welfare is to enroll him or her in a good preschool. At Spanish For Fun, we are particularly keen on providing a loving and fun preschool experience. We are an accredited Spanish-immersion preschool. Your child will enjoy the benefits of bilingualism and develop critical life skills that will ensure his or her psychological well-being is taken care of.

Our staff is trained to handle children with tender, loving care, with a special emphasis on the five love languages as outlined by Dr. Gary Chapman in his groundbreaking book on the subject.

Get in touch with us today to schedule a tour of our Glenwood Campus. We would be delighted to show you our facility and our time-proven teaching methods. Call 919-881-1160 or complete the form on our website. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

The post How To Care For Your Child’s Psychological Well-Being appeared first on Spanish for fun! Daycare Preschool Raleigh NC.

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